Jumpstart Your Writing
Practical and Magical Tips for Getting Words on the Page
Has your muse gone on vacation just when you need her the most?
All writers experience dry spells and have moments where their confidence is shaken. This class offers wisdom and inspiration to get your writing projects (and career) back on track. Learn to kiss your inner critic goodbye and welcome peace of mind, as you pick up some new coping skills and creative methods for getting words onto the page.
Find out how to:
- Turn on your writing faucet and get words flowing.
- Invite the spirit of creativity and joy into your writing.
- Discover and embrace your own personal creative process.
- Confidently carve out time for productivity.
- Uncover ways to dream your book into reality.
- Call forth ancient muses, and your inner genie or word wizard, to help you on your journey.
Laurie Sue Brockway is a seasoned writer of thousands of articles, 25 books, and many once-unfinished manuscripts. She developed her unique approach to tapping into creative magic after years of writing panic, fear, and frustration! Her books have been published by Penguin, Random House, Sterling, and Llewellyn. Now running her own self-publishing company, she is sharing her wisdom to help other writers. Her books include Writer's Flow, She Who Scrivens, Goddess Seshat, Lakshmi Magic, and The Goddess Pages. She holds degrees in psychology, ministry, and public history. Find out more at www.RevLaurieSue.com.
Practical and Magical Tips for Getting Words on the Page
with Laurie Sue Brockway