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Welcome Friends

A Message from Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Author and Editor

Goddess Communications

Laurie Sue Brockway, author, officiant, and founder of Goddess Communications, LLC.
Here with her muse, Egyptian Goddess Seshat.

Thank you so much for visiting She Who Scrivens, my new website for Goddess Communications, LLC.


I have been in publishing for 45 years. First as a reporter and editor, then as a novelist and non-fiction author, and now I am a publisher of my own works. I decided to gather back the rights to all my traditionally published books and breathe new life into my backlist, as I worked on birthing new books into the world.


I am passionate about writing and publishing. I see it as a sacred gift and skill, to be able to share ideas in words, and string them together in sentences, paragraphs, pages, and, ultimately, books.


Books are my way of helping, informing, and inspiring. They provide a platform for sharing wisdom and skills, acquired through my formal training and lived experience.


Sometimes, a small insight shared in a book can lead a reader to find peace of mind or can guide them to a transformative experience. Writers grow, too, when they fully express themselves in written content. Writing is an ancient form of communication and it connects us to the Divine and our ancestors.


A theme that ties my books together is the honoring of all traditions and including all aspects of the Divine. Most of my books aim to offer spiritual wisdom, hope, and helpful tips. Unless it is one of my romance novels, which are about kissing!


I returned to my seminary roots for advanced spiritual training in recent years, as well as studying ancient spiritual practices in the UK.  This inspired me to return to graduate school in New York at age 65 to enhance my academic skills and scholarly wisdom with a degree in public history. Thus, I am now also creating online exhibits to tell ancient stories and publishing companion books.


Peruse the side of this page to find links to all my current and forthcoming titles.


Or go directly to Amazon to purchase my books.


Blessings and gratitude,


Rev. Laurie Sue